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5) CBDM: Certified Business Data Modeler

The Course Image for this CBDM course is an Automobile Assembly Line, which, similar to the CSMF Exam, is the focus of the Data Modeling Case Study Workshop that comprises the CBDM Exam. Section 1 andSection 2 of this Certification course were extracted from Sections 2 and 3 of Module 2: Rapid Delivery Methods for Enterprise Architecture. These are repeated here and intended to enable you to review the main principles of business-driven data modeling and business normalization before completing the Data Modeling Workshop in Section 3, which is the CBDM Exam. You are also required to complete the Quizzes in Section 3. This Course comprises 3 Sections and a total of 30 lectures and 2 quizzes that teach the Business-Driven Data Modeling and the Business Normalization concepts used for business-driven data modeling projects. Each Lecture includes a Lecture Description. Each lecture may also have resources available to be downloaded. These are listed in a table of Resources Available on the back page of each Section Cover Sheet that is printed double-sided. This table notes the Section and Lecture where the resource can be found. Click the Resources Available button in one of these lectures and next click the Filename on the screen to download the resource in PDF. Section 1 Lectures 1 - 14 teach the concepts of Business-Driven Data Mapping. In Section 1 Lecture 1, Fully-Assembled CBDM Course Handouts for the entire course can be downloaded in PDF to use when viewing the video lectures in the Course. Section 1 includes Exercise Problems to be progressively completed throughout the lectures. The Sample Solutions for Section 1 can be downloaded in Bonus Lectures 12 - 14. Section 2 Lectures 15 - 26 teach the concepts of Business Normalization. Section 2 includes Exercise Problems to be progressively completed throughout the lectures. The Sample Solutions for Section 2 can be downloaded in Bonus Lectures 25 - 26.Section 3 Lecture 30 discusses the Data Modeling Case Study Workshop, which is the CBDM Exam. Your solution to this workshop becomes your CBDM Exam solution. In Lecture 30 the "Data Modeling Case Study Workshop Reference Manual" can be downloaded in PDF. This details the Data Modeling Case Study Workshop Problem Statements, to refer to when you are developing your solution to the Case Study Workshop Problem. The Data Modeling Case Study Workshop Reference Manual provides an overview of the features of Visible Advantage. It then includes step-by-step instructions to be used to enter your workshop solution, to test it and finally to email it to Visible Systems Corporation who will assess your CBDM Exam and CBDM Qualification.