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Business Analysis for Techies

So you're interested in business analysis. Excellent - because that's a cool topic. With the help of business analysis you can have a significant impact on the course of your company or project. You can put a happy smile on the faces of your customers and users.But you probably have a few questions running through your head right now:What is actually expected of me?What exactly are the results of my work?How do I go about it? What am I doing?Is it possible that everyone understands something different behind the term "business analysis"?Don't worry, this is normal. That's exactly what my training is for. In this training we will answer the four essential questions about business analysis:Why is business analysis actually important? What is business analysis? How does one "do" business analysis? Who is involved in business analysis?During the training you will encounter the following elements again and again:Theory & Methods: You may already be frowning. I can understand that. But this "abstract" element is crucial to transfer what you learn into your context, into your company, into your project.Examples: I use an example throughout the training to make the theory and methods more tangible. The example is the transfer of the theory into a (fictional) company situation.War Stories: Over the course of time, I have experienced quite a few things. Both wonderful and hair-raising. There is a lot to learn from these experiences.Exercises: In the end, it's about you applying what you've learned in your business. The exercises should support you already during the training to take the next step mentally, to get into the implementation. The focus is on thinking. Not multiple choice.Look again at the course subtitle: How to communicate at eye level and understand and solve the real problems of your users. That's the essence.You'll be communicating with a lot of colleagues in the company. In the business departments, in IT. With project members, with department and division managers. No matter who you talk to, you want to have the tools and confidence to communicate at eye level.Every one of your colleagues and users can tell you in epic detail what's not working. Much of it is simply whining and litany. You want to clear the fog and get to the issues that really drive your users and your business forward.Not every brilliant brainstorm turns out to be a workable solution. So you'll want to keep questioning whether you've actually made an improvement - or whether your users are just working differently.After the training, you can get started right away. I even recommend it to you. All theory is gray, only in practice you will experience all possible colors. Have fun!